Plant lettuce at what distance?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Important is Seed Spacing with Lettuce? 🌱
Video: How Important is Seed Spacing with Lettuce? 🌱


Lettuce should not be planted too densely

Plant lettuce at what distance?

For the lettuce to thrive, it needs room to grow. A sufficient planting distance must therefore be observed. Find out below how much space your lettuce needs and other things to know about growing.

How much space does lettuce need?

While approximately two seeds per tray can be sown in seed trays, you can save time and labor on direct sowing in the field by directly maintaining the necessary planting distance. Generally lettuce should have 25cm in all directions. For very large varieties, you should even keep 30cm planting distance. On the seed pack is usually noted, which planting distance is advisable.

Good and bad plant neighbors

Like most vegetables, the lettuce is not green with all of them. However, lettuce has very few enemies. Only parsley and celery should keep it away. On the other hand, there are a lot of vegetables with which lettuce is perfectly understood.
On the other hand, the lettuce is compatible with these neighboring plants.

Plant lettuce step by step

How to plant or sow your lettuce: