Sow lettuce in the pot and take care of it

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Lettuce in Containers - Complete Growing Guide
Video: How to Grow Lettuce in Containers - Complete Growing Guide


Lettuce in the pot needs a sunny spot

Sow lettuce in the pot and take care of it

If you do not have a garden, you do not have to do without fresh lettuce, because lettuce also thrives in the pot. Learn more about how to sow, care for and harvest lettuce in the pot.

The right location for the lettuce in the pot

Lettuce needs a lot of light. Both in the garden and in the pot, he prefers full sun locations. In the shade, it thrives only badly and also increases the nitrate content. Thus, you should place your lettuce in the pot in a sunny spot on the balcony and terrace or on the windowsill of a south window.

Which pot is the right one?

Lettuce does not form deep roots and therefore only needs space on the surface. Therefore, the planter for the lettuce does not have to be particularly large. A bucket with a diameter of 20cm is quite sufficient. However, only one lettuce may be planted per pot. If you choose a balcony box for cultivation, you can also plant several lettuce heads. Keep a distance of 25cm.

Sow lettuce in the pot

Early lettuce varieties can be sown in the pot as early as February. If you want to save yourself from piking, sow only one or two seeds per pot. If you want to be on the safe side or are not sure how good the germination capacity of your seed is - for example with self-collected seeds - sow up to ten seeds or more.
Proceed as follows:

Maintain lettuce in the pot

Lettuce is relatively easy to clean.

Pour lettuce

If you have sown more than one seed per pot, you should pimp it one or two weeks after sowing. To do this, remove the excess plantlets from the pot and leave only the plants for which there is enough space even when fully grown. Each plant needs about 25cm2 of space. The plucked plantlets can be planted in other pots or eaten in a salad.

Pour lettuce

The substrate should always be kept moist during germination. Later, you should water the lettuce regularly. Waterlogging is - as always - to avoid.

Fertilize lettuce

Lettuce does not need to be fertilized. The nutrients in the cultivation soil are enough for him.


Here you can learn more about growing on the balcony and harvesting.