Plant tuberous begonia in time

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Non stop begonia - grow & care (Great also as Houseplant)
Video: Non stop begonia - grow & care (Great also as Houseplant)


Plant tuberous begonia in time

Tuberous begonias fascinate by the diversity of their leaves and flowers. Those who prepare tuberous begonia in time and properly for planting can enjoy the enchanting sea of ​​flowers the sooner. But when is the best time to get tuber begonias out of hibernation?

In order to be able to enjoy as early as possible the luxuriant flowering of the frugal perennial flowers for the balcony and garden, you should help nature a bit and get the tubers out of their respite prematurely.

Because little light is enough for them, the frost-sensitive plants can best be driven on a windowsill. With a bit of care, they will then blossom in May to start the gardening season.

When is the best time to bring forward and plant tubers begonias?

Mid-February to March is the best time to use tuber begonias. To do this, plant the flat tubers with potting soil in pots and drive on the windowsill.

From April, it's time to harden the early tuberous begonias. To do this, place them in a frosty, warm weather in a shady place to the outside. But please only after the icy saints, from mid-May, let the night outside. Because on night frost, they are sensitive and die. Only the one-year-old ice begonias are less susceptible to frost and do not have to spend the winter like the other begonias.

The planting of tuber begonias takes place in 3 steps

Because of their preference for shade, tuberous begonias are popular plants for less sun-drenched locations on the north or west side of the balcony, patio, and garden. To make this colorful, tuber begonias are excellent.

Either in single plants or combined with shade-loving plants such as fuchsias, industrious Lieschen or Edellieschen. Large-flowered tuber-gourd varieties such as the Non Stop Yellow fascinate with their bright color. Waterfall-shaped varieties with filled flowers like the Cascade flow abundantly over hanging baskets.

Before planting the tuber begonias loosen the soil and prepare with sand, peat or compost. He should be loose, permeable to water and humus and do not form waterlogging. The planting of the tuber begonias takes place in three steps.

What should be considered when casting tuber begonias?

Tips & Tricks

Begonias are thirsty and suffer even in the shade under the summer heat. With a shower from the garden spray you cool it off and flush out the pollen and dust from the leaves at the same time.