Can climbing roses also be cultivated in the bucket?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Prune and Train Climbing Roses
Video: Prune and Train Climbing Roses


With proper care climbing roses also thrive in the bucket

Can climbing roses also be cultivated in the bucket?

Even those who do not have a garden do not have to do without the queen of flowers. Basically all climbing roses can be kept in the pot. However, it is important that you carefully select substrate and location - and then ensure proper care. If the conditions are right, nothing stands in the way of a fragrant blooming of flowers on the balcony or terrace.

Early article Next article Climbing roses - What you should pay attention to when choosing the trellis

Do not choose location too hot

Roses are "mimosas": Basically, the noble plants prefer a sunny and sheltered location, which at the same time may not get too hot. For this reason, you should take particular care on balconies, because there the temperatures in the sun heat up very quickly and the otherwise carefully cultivated climbing roses burn. For this reason, in the bucket cultivated climbing roses belong preferably in the light partial shade of a west or east side. South-facing locations, on the other hand, should be avoided, as they usually turn out to be too hot.

Climbing roses need a lot of space

Whether you prefer terracotta, ceramic, wood or plastic planters, it's up to you. Much more important than the material is the size or depth of the pot. Like all roses, the climbing roses belong to the deep roots, so the vessel should be at least 50 centimeters high - rose experts recommend even more space so that the roots are not cramped.

Provide a suitable climbing aid

Although many species of climbing roses can also be grown as bush or shrub, if the plant is to climb, it definitely needs a good climbing aid. This is especially true for the so-called rambler roses. For this purpose you can use rose arches, but also wooden or metal racks and a rope braid.

Plant roses properly in the pot

The roots of the climbing rose need a lot of space! Make sure that the roots have a lot of soil between them and the walls of the pots. For planting, use special rose soil that is mixed with compost or a special long-term fertilizer. Very important is also a good drainage, because climbing roses need a lot of water, but tolerate no waterlogging.


For a healthy growth and a rich flowering sufficient fertilization is absolutely necessary. Both during planting and when repotting, you should incorporate a good long-term fertilizer in the plant substrate. In addition, you provide the plant every 14 days between April and the end of June / beginning of July with a liquid crude fertilizer.