Can Kiwi be grown in Germany?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kiwi is grown in Georgia and exported to Japan and Germany. What makes it so special and tasty?
Video: Kiwi is grown in Georgia and exported to Japan and Germany. What makes it so special and tasty?


Can Kiwi be grown in Germany?

The kiwi plant needs very warm summers for good growth, mild winters and frost-free spring. In Germany, the best yields can be achieved in wine growing regions. Particularly frost-resistant varieties are successfully cultivated even in rough locations.

Kiwi is a deciduous, deciduous shrub that is easy to care for, sturdy and profitable in its optimal location. The fruits of the Chinese snare are available throughout the year in German supermarkets. In the meantime, the exotic climbing fruit is also conquering the native gardens.

For every climate pase variety

A large selection of different kiwi varieties makes it difficult for the garden owner to decide. First of all, care should be taken when buying that the offered variety is frost-resistant enough for the given climatic situation.

Large-fruited kiwis produce good yields in wintry grape-growing regions, while the much more robust mini-kiwis, which bear small, smooth fruits, can easily survive temperatures down to -30 ° C and are therefore also suitable for colder climates.

Planting and care instructions

The purchased kiwi plants should preferably be planted in early summer, so they are well-grown until the onset of winter and have better chances for wintering. The bushes, which are planted in autumn, should be kept in the bucket frost-free in the first year or in the field, protect the root area well with mulch, leaves and brushwood from frost.

When choosing a location, it should also be noted that this is as wind-protected and warm as possible. Ideal is a south or southwest wall with a trellis or a pergola in front of it as a climbing aid. The soil should be nutrient-rich and slightly acidic. Since the kiwis are dioecious, one needs at least a male and a female plant, the distance between the two should be about 1-4 meters.

Tips & Tricks

Many of the extra frost-resistant mini-kiwi varieties are self-pollinating, so you can get along with a kiwi plant and enjoy the delicious, smooth-shelled kiwis from your own garden.