Tips and tricks for planting a pine

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
I planted 1`000 pine trees in one day #teamtrees
Video: I planted 1`000 pine trees in one day #teamtrees


Pines like sunny location

Tips and tricks for planting a pine

It is easy to care for, evergreen, serves as a blind in a small form or smells wonderfully of fir-the pine is a worthwhile conifer. Although it is very modest in terms of location and external conditions, it does not mean that it can not provide the pine with the best conditions for healthy growth. Here's how to plant a pine in an appropriate way.

Different types, different possibilities

Normally, the pine reaches a considerable height. Nowadays you can also find in the tree nursery breeds, which are wonderfully suited as a hedge plant due to their low growth or as bonsai cut in the top impress. If you have decided to plant a pine in your own garden, the selection is far from over. Meanwhile many different types of conifer exist:

Pines with a stature height less than 100 cm

Pines with a height above 100 cm (sample selection)

Preparation and location

You can even plant pines with a small stature height in the pot on the terrace.
The siting and the final planting of a pine tree should be well planned. Once you have set the conifer in the ground, it is very sensitive to a new location change. Therefore, carefully check the following criteria before planting your jaws in the soil:


Pines are among the light tree species and therefore prefer sunny locations. Only in an emergency, they adapt to shady conditions.

soil Requirements

The substrate should not be too moist, but it should be all the nutrient-rich. By choosing a well drained soil, you can avoid harmful waterlogging.

Important measures

Fertilizing is not mandatory, but it can encourage conifer growth. Help once a month with conventional liquid fertilizer. During flowering, however, you must stop fertilizing. Also make sure to keep the substrate constantly moist. A pruning of the plant is only necessary if you want to cultivate the pine as bonsai. The substrate should not be too moist, but it should be all the nutrient-rich.

Plant pine

Here's how to plant:

    remove the earth from stones and weeds loosen the earth lift a hole with double the diameter of the root ball set the root ball in water put the pine tree now in the hole fill the hole with soil kick the earth water you the substrate is good