Sowing chervil - Procedure - Step by step

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Chervil Indoors | Urban Cultivator
Video: How to Grow Chervil Indoors | Urban Cultivator


Sowing chervil - Procedure - Step by step

Although the chervil is very similar to parsley - but it has its own interests when it comes to sowing. How is it sown, when is the best time and which is the ideal location?

The right timing

Since Kerbel is one year old, he has to be pulled anew each year. The right timing is crucial! If he is to go outdoors, it is advisable to sow him after the ice saints in May. If you are brave and live in mild regions, you can try sowing at the end of March. Chervil tolerates cold to a certain extent.

On the other hand, the chervil can be taken home all year round. It is recommended to sow him in the home of four walls from the beginning of March. Then he can get enough sunlight and does not get 'asparagus growth'.

You need that!

If the time is right, only a suitable container for cultivation such as a pot or a cultivation tray or alternatively a prepared bed is missing. At best, choose seeds from a variety that has been proven. And not to forget: a suitable earth. Chervil loves a:

Ran to the seeds and off you go!

Attention: The seeds of the chervil are not long germinable. You should not be older than a year. Let's go:

After sowing

Once the seeds have been spruced up to small plants, they can be planted out. The optimal location for Kerbel is in a partially shaded location. The soil there should be kept fresh to moist.

If you want to harvest the whole garden season over chervil, grow it regularly. Normally it is sufficient to sow new seeds every two weeks.

Tips & Tricks

Chervil represents a so-called true-to-the-ground plant. This means that it does not like being put on a shift (due to its fine root system). Therefore, a direct sowing is recommended.