Repot a Kentia palm properly

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kentia Palm - Care Tips & Repotting
Video: Kentia Palm - Care Tips & Repotting


The Kentia palm must be repotted at least every three years

Repot a Kentia palm properly

Too often, you do not need to repot a Kentia palm tree. Only when the pot has become too small, the move to a larger planter should be on the program. What you need to keep in mind when repotting Kentia palms.

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The right time to repot a Kentia palm

The Kentia palm needs a larger pot when roots grow out of the drain hole or the root ball pushes out of the top of the pot. It is usually enough to repot the Kentia palm every two to three years.

For more than three years, the palm should not be in the same pot, because the earth is then too leached and must be replaced by fresh substrate.

The best time to repot is the early spring.

The right planter

Like almost all palm trees, Kentia palm trees have long taproots that grow in depth and not in width. The pot must therefore be as deep as possible. Choose a vessel that is deeper and slightly wider than the previous one.

There must be a drain hole in the bottom of the pot because Kentia palm trees can not tolerate waterlogging. It is beneficial to drain in the bottom of the pot, so that the roots are never directly in the water after pouring.

So you turn over

As a plant substrate is special palm soil from the garden market. You can also put the earth together yourself. For this you need ripe compost that you mix with sand, gravel or lava granules. Due to the admixtures, the substrate remains nice and loose and does not collapse.

Do not fertilize immediately after repotting

After repotting in fresh substrate, the Kentia palm is sufficiently supplied with nutrients. Therefore you should not fertilize the palm during the first months after the move.

If the Kentia palm has long been in the pot, it is fertilized from March to September once a month with liquid fertilizer. In winter, no fertilizer is administered.


The Kentia palm is a slow-growing palm species. If you also want to make sure it does not get too high, cut the roots slightly while repotting.