How to Find and Harvest Moss in the Forest - Tips for Getting the Most

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Collecting & Identifying Moss
Video: Collecting & Identifying Moss


The fairytale moss in the forest invites you to take away

How to Find and Harvest Moss in the Forest - Tips for Getting the Most

Moss is well on its way to shaking off its weed reputation as its relevance to our ecosystem becomes increasingly public. In the natural garden, moss makes itself useful as a groundcover or as a houseplant decorates shady niches. Whether collecting moss is allowed at all, where to find and harvest it in the forest, can be found out here.

Is it allowed to collect moss in the forest?

Since numerous species of mosses are under protection, there is uncertainty among amateur gardeners on this question. The fact is that the removal of moss in small quantities is allowed for private use. An exception applies to designated nature reserves. Here no plants may be collected at all. Outside these sanctuaries, the removal of peat moss species (Sphagnum ssp.), White mosses (Leucobryum ssp.) And common mosses (Hylocomium ssp.) Is prohibited as they are threatened with extinction.

Here you will find moss in the forest

In the forest you will not find it difficult to discover small and large moss populations. Here ideal conditions prevail, such as shady locations, damp and acidic forest soil. Moss can be found in these places:

Since mosses grow only a few inches high and produce no flowers, a little attention is still needed to discover the rootless spore plants.

Collect properly with respect for nature

Moss covers important functions in the ecosystem. The upholstery absorbs moisture and gradually releases it to the forest floor so that it does not dry out. Innumerable microorganisms find shelter and food here, such as spiders, earthworms, snails and woodlice.

Therefore, examine a moss pad first to see if it is inhabited. Loosen the plants with the fingers from the edge and do not use a sharp tool. Please do not remove more than half of a moss plant so that it can regenerate.


Do you avoid the intrusion into nature by collecting coherent moss cushions in the forest? Instead, harvest the mature spores floating in stalks over the moss in small, brown capsules. Crushed on a smooth surface and transferred to a lean substrate or stony ground with a fine brush, a green moss carpet unfurls in no time at all.