Why does the Kentia palm get dry leaves?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Kentia Palm Care Made Easy (Essential Tips For A Healthy Plant)
Video: Kentia Palm Care Made Easy (Essential Tips For A Healthy Plant)


Dry leaves are usually due to a wrong location or care mistakes

Why does the Kentia palm get dry leaves?

Every now and then a dry leaf on the Kentia palm is quite normal. The fronds age with time and die. But if the palm gets one dry leaf after another, that's a sign that the Kentia palm is not feeling well. What to do about dry leaves on Kentia palms?

Causes of dry leaves of the Kentia Palm

There are a number of causes of dry leaves on the Kentia Palm:

Prevent waterlogging

The most common reason for dry leaves is too much moisture. If the soil is too wet or the roots are even directly in the water, the Kentia palm can no longer absorb moisture.

Dry leaves are therefore no sign of too little watering, but rather too frequent and vigorous watering. See how moist the substrate is. If necessary, transplant the Kentia palm into a drier substrate.

Although the Kentia palm regularly, so that the root ball does not dry out completely, but never leave water in the planter or saucer.

Kentia palm very bright and warm

A wrong location can also cause the Kentia palm to get dry, brown leaves. Set the palm as bright as possible and make sure that the temperatures at the site do not fall below 18 degrees.

Check for pests

If the leaves of the Kentia Palm first turn yellow and then dry up, you should look for pests. Spider mites, scale insects and thrips are more common, especially in very low humidity.

In case of pest infestation, shower the palm to wash off the pests. Protect the plant substrate with a plastic wrap so that the soil does not become too moist and no pests can hide.

Increase humidity by spraying the fronds regularly or placing bowls of water near the Kentia Palm.


Dry leaves of Kentia palm may cut you off. But wait with the cutting until the whole frond has dried up. Leave a stump three to four inches long on the trunk.