Brown spikes at the Kentia Palm - What to do?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
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Brown tips are usually an indication of too dry air

Brown spikes at the Kentia Palm - What to do?

The Kentia palm gets brown tips, it looks very ugly. The reason for this is almost always the humidity at the location of the palm tree. What you can do with brown leaf tips and how to prevent discoloration.

Causes for brown leaf tips at Kentia Palm

Brown leaves or fronds are almost always caused by too much or too little moisture. If only the tips turn brown, this is usually an indication that the humidity in the room is too low.

Ensure correct temperature and humidity

Kentia palm trees like it very warm. At least 18 degrees should be the ambient temperature. Especially in winter, the room air is very dry at these temperatures, so that the low humidity leads to the unsightly brown leaf tips.

Increase the humidity by regularly spraying the Kentia palm with lukewarm, lime-free water. Even open, water-filled bowls contribute to a better indoor climate.

In summer, the Kentia palm will appreciate it if you put it in the warm summer rain for a while. Drain the root ball well afterwards.

Cut off brown tips

You can cut off the brown tips at any time. Use a clean pair of scissors, a nail scissors usually do it too. Make sure that the blades are very sharp to prevent the blades from tearing.

Cut only in the brownish-colored part of the leaf. The still healthy, green leaves must not hurt you. The interfaces dry and leave brown edges, which also look ugly.

Avoid discoloration by proper casting

Most often, incorrect casting leads to browning or yellowing of the leaves. Kentia palms tolerate neither complete dryness of balls nor waterlogging.

In the spring and summer, plenty of water is poured. Excess irrigation water must be released immediately. In winter, the Kentia palm is only moderately cast, so the root ball is always slightly moist.

As pouring water lukewarm rainwater is best. If not available, you can also water the Kentia palm tree with soft, stale, lukewarm water from the pipe.


While brown leaf tips are mainly caused by low humidity, brown spots on the leaves are caused by too low temperatures. Occasionally, even pests are responsible.