Flowers and fruits of the potato rose are edible and very tasty

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The fruits of the potato rose are edible and healthy

Flowers and fruits of the potato rose are edible and very tasty

The rose of the potato (Rosa rugosa) is also known as an apple-rose or because of its origin as a Kamchatka rose due to the shape and size of its fruits. The name potato-rose, on the other hand, refers to leaves very similar to potato leaves. Rosa rugosa is considered to be very robust and undemanding, in addition, both petals and fruits can be used in many ways in the kitchen.

Fruits are especially large and thick-bodied

In contrast to the rather small, very hard rose hips of the domestic dog rose, the edible fruits of the potato rose are more spherical and very fleshy. Inside are numerous seeds that can be removed with a spoon before processing. From the very large, pink or white flowers already develop from mid-August, the first fruits, making the potato rose in terms of fruit development is far ahead of their domestic relatives. The red rosehips can be processed into jelly or jam as well as rosehip wine or rosehip liqueur (using vodka or double grain), but can also be consumed raw. The fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and are therefore very healthy.

Rosehip Jam

For rosehip marmalade, first wash one kilogram of rosehip and free it from the stems and flower buds. On the other hand, you do not need to remove the seeds, but you should halve the fruits once. Cook the fruits in some apple juice and puree them. Now squeeze out a lemon and boil the rosehip with the lemon juice and a kilo of gelatin sugar (ratio 1: 1) to a delicious jam.

Petals can be used in many ways

The flowers of the potato rose can grow up to eight centimeters and appear from the early summer on the bush. The simple but very distinctive and slightly fragrant flowers can be admired not only in summer, but well into the fall. They too are edible and can u. a. used for flavoring and refining various foods and drinks.

Rose petals jelly

Soak 125 grams of freshly collected rose petals in apple juice and let them pass well for at least 24 hours. Then simmer the mixture well and simmer it with the juice of a lemon and gelling sugar (ratio 1: 1) to a tasty rose petal jelly.


Together with peppermint leaves and lemon balm, the petals of the potato rose make a delicious tea.