Can you cook nasturtium?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024


Can you cook nasturtium?

Drying is one of the most important methods of preserving herbs, which you can also use for nasturtium. So you can enjoy the spicy, slightly hot taste even during the winter months.

Is Nasturtium Susceptible to Lice?

Which parts of nasturtium are suitable for drying?

In principle, you can dry all parts of nasturtium. However, depending on the later use, there are also other, possibly more suitable methods of preservation and storage. In principle, the dried plant parts are not particularly suitable for raw consumption, but can be used well for seasoning cooked foods. Would you like to spice up salads later, it is recommended to make a flower vinegar.

Preparations for drying

The gentler the plant parts you want to dry, the lower the drying temperatures should be and the more careful you should pre-treat the dry matter. For example, the flowers are not washed but only dry-cleaned. Dry the different plant parts separately, they need different drying times. This is especially true when drying in the oven.

The dried and completely cooled plant parts fill in a dark screwed glass. When stored tightly, dark and dry, the nasturtium will last a few months. In the case of moisture, on the other hand, there is the danger of mold formation.

The seeds of the nasturtium can be easily dried in the sun. They are edible and taste spicy-spicy. Use the seeds freshly ground. Some of them should be kept and sowed the following spring, so you can expect a rich harvest again next year.

The most important tips for drying:

The use of dried nasturtium

From the dried leaves and flowers of nasturtium you can cook tea. For half a liter of water, you only need about two teaspoons of dried cabbage. The water should be hot, but do not cook anymore. Leave the nasturtium for about ten minutes and peel off the tea. The tea helps, for example, with colds or cystitis.

Tips & Tricks

Dry the seeds best in the fresh air, so they remain germinable.