Kapkörbchen or Kapringelblume: Which is poisonous?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kapkörbchen or Kapringelblume: Which is poisonous? - Garden
Kapkörbchen or Kapringelblume: Which is poisonous? - Garden


Kapkörbchen are completely non-toxic

Kapkörbchen or Kapringelblume: Which is poisonous?

At the heyday, the Kapkörbchen, also called Kapmargerite, looks simply stunning. But also the Kapringelblume makes a lot and sees her partly confusingly similar. Which of the two is poisonous?

Toxic potential is only in the Kapringelblume

The Kapkörbchen, popular as a balcony plant, which sets beautiful accents with its colorful cup flowers, is completely harmless. Both for humans and for animals, this perennial is non-toxic. Their flowers are even edible and can serve as a garnish.

In contrast, the equally common Kapringelblume stands:


If you are unsure whether it is the Kapkörbchen or Kapringelblume the purchase, read the botanical name. The Kapkörbchen is called Osteospermum and the Kapringelblume as Dimorphotheca.