Cutting pitcher plants into shape

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nepenthes Pitcher Plant Trimming & Cuttings
Video: Nepenthes Pitcher Plant Trimming & Cuttings


Dried and dried up should be removed regularly

Cutting pitcher plants into shape

Basically, it is not necessary to cut a pitcher plant. If you have enough space for the plant to spread, you do not need to reach for a knife. If you still want to cut Nepenthes, that's no problem. Pitcher plants are good cut tolerant and drive out quickly.

Next article Transferring a pitcher plant - you have to pay attention!

The pitcher plant is well tolerated cut

Even if a cut in the pitcher plant is not necessary, it can not always be avoided to bring the plant into shape or to remove dried out shoots.

Nepenthes is good cut compatible. Even if the plant is severely cut back, it expels under favorable location and care conditions again. After a vigorous pruning, it often grows much more compact.

When is it necessary to cut Nepenthes?

Pitcher plants sometimes tend to develop very long thin shoots. For this there are no new drives. In such cases, it may be useful to cut the plant. This stimulates the formation of new shoots. New branches are also being created at the intersections, so that the pitcher plant looks more bushy overall.

Reasons to cut Nepenthes:

Cut dried pitchers

When the pitchers of the Nepenthes dry up, this is usually a natural process. Depending on the type and attitude it takes a few weeks to a year until the cans die off. Occasionally, they also dry prematurely because the liquid contained in them has been released.

Of course, you can cut off the dried up pots. But wait with the cutting until they are absolutely dry. As long as residual moisture is present in it, the plant can obtain nutrients from the old pot.

Only the withered pot itself is cut. The leaf itself stops.

Cutting cuttings

It is quite easy to multiply pitcher plants yourself if you cut cuttings in summer. For this you choose shoot tips, which are between 10 and 15 centimeters long.

The cuttings are placed in prepared culture pots. In a bright, warm location, they are quickly rooted. For this, the substrate must be kept moist.


Experienced gardeners brush the interfaces of the pitcher plant with cinnamon powder after cutting. Cinnamon kills bacteria and prevents rotten shoots.