The Care of Kalanchoe Pinnata (Brutblatt)

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plantopedia - Kalanchoe Daigremontiana | How to care, maintain and propagate Kalanchoe Thousands
Video: Plantopedia - Kalanchoe Daigremontiana | How to care, maintain and propagate Kalanchoe Thousands


The attractive broody leaf is extremely easy to care for

The Care of Kalanchoe Pinnata (Brutblatt)

The Brutblatt impresses with its enormous regenerative capacity. A piece of a leaf is enough to multiply the plant. However, it also forms on the leaf margin a variety of offshoots, which fall down after some time and just continue to grow. The Kalanchoe Pinnata, also known as the Goethe plant, is also extremely easy to look after, taking note of some important tips.

How is poured?

The succulent plant is able to store fluid in the leaves and to supply itself from this supply for a while. On the other hand, she is very sensitive to waterlogging. Therefore, it will only be watered when the soil has dried up. Then fill up and pour water that collects in the coaster, after a few minutes away.

How is fertilized?

During the growing season from October to March, fertilize every four weeks. Suitable is a commercial liquid fertilizer, as you use it for other houseplants.

When will I repackage?

The Kalanchoe pinnata does not form a very large root system, so repotting is necessary only every two to three years. The ideal time for this care measure is the spring.

How is it cut?

Kalanchoen need only be cut back if they grow ugly sparrig. You can then:

With flowering Kalanchoen the stalk is shortened only if no fresh buds show up. Before you only snap out the withered parts of the plant.

How is wintering?

The broody leaf can be overwintered at room temperature. Alternatively, you can keep the plant cooler in the cold season, but below 15 degrees the temperature should not fall.

Which pests and diseases threaten?

The Kalanchoe Pinnata is very robust and is rarely infested with pests or diseases:


Kalanchoe pinnata is a highly effective medicinal plant in many cultures. Here we are successfully used for inflammations, ulcers and skin problems.