The Kalanchoe, the attractive balcony exot from Madagascar

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kalanchoe lo que necesitas para sembrar las suculentas |CharismaticCook
Video: Kalanchoe lo que necesitas para sembrar las suculentas |CharismaticCook


The Kalanchoe loves to spend the summer outdoors

The Kalanchoe, the attractive balcony exot from Madagascar

Their easy-care properties make the Kalanchoe undoubtedly a classic on the windowsill. The pretty succulent plants, which are not only available in the well-known flowering version, thrive in the summer months on the balcony too, provided you pay attention to some basic things.

In this article you will learn:

The site conditions

The Kalanchoe likes to warm. While it does not tolerate temperatures below 15 degrees, it is also not hardy, the succulent does not harm summer heat. Only against direct noon sun, as it prevails for example on a south balcony, you should protect the plant by shading.

Even with rainy days, the Kalanchoe gets along well, provided that the water can drain well and does not accumulate in the root area. A drainage layer and a drain covered by a potsherd ensure that these conditions are met.

Also on the balcony is: Casting not forgotten

Even if the succulent plants cope well with temporary dryness, the Kalanchoe needs regular watering on hot summer days. Check daily by the thumb sample if the substrate feels dry. Excess water, which collects after pouring in the coaster, is removed after a few minutes.

Fertilizing for vigorous growth

The Kalanchoe is frugal, yet it needs during the summer growth period on the balcony regular fertilizer. It is sufficient to administer a commercially available liquid fertilizer every 14 days.

The wintering of the balcony Kalanchoe

As soon as the nights get cooler in the fall and the temperature drops below fifteen degrees, you should bring the Kalanchoe back to the house. Wintering is in a not too cold, bright place.

But here it is important that the short-day plant is not illuminated for more than eight hours, because then it will not bloom again. Therefore, cover the plant in the evening with a cardboard box and do not remove it until the next morning.


It is a pity that the Kalanchoe is often cultivated like a one-year-old plant. It is extremely grateful, can be wonderfully rejuvenated by a pruning, blooms every year with the right treatment and enchants the balcony with its attractive leaves and pretty flowers.