Is the Monstera deliciosa poisonous?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to safely eat the poisonous tropical fruit Monstera Deliciosa
Video: How to safely eat the poisonous tropical fruit Monstera Deliciosa


Everything about the Monstera Deliciosa is poisonous except the fruits

Is the Monstera deliciosa poisonous?

Where a delicious window leaf feels at its optimum location, it gives its gardener a decorative blossom, which turns into a tasty fruit. Nevertheless, the assignment of a Monstera deliciosa prepares the plant family of poisonous Aronstabgewächse headache. How it is actually ordered to the poison content of the ornamental foliage plant, you can find out here.

Next article The fruit of a Monstera deliciosa - tips on optics and enjoyment

Toxic in all parts - except for one exception

A delicious window leaf is permeated by various calcium oxalate crystals and salts of oxalic acid. If these toxins reach the human organism in higher concentrations, typical symptoms of intoxication occur. Especially in children, nausea, vomiting and cramps occur. Furthermore, the plant sap may cause rash. This is to be considered in the context of cultivation:

However, these doubts do not apply to the edible fruits, to which a Delicious window leaf owes its name. The ripe fruit is also called pineapple banana, as its sour taste reminds of the exotic fruit.

Beware of dog and cat

A delicious window leaf and pets should not share a flat. The ingredients are not only harmful to humans. If dogs and cats nibble on the mighty leaves, signs of intoxication are inevitable. Often there are dysphagia, tumbling, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, fallen leaves should by no means be used as green fodder for rabbits.


With their aerial roots Monstera act as a natural cleaning aid in the aquarium, by rusting into the water. The long rhizomes deprive the water fish-toxic nitrate and nitrite, to use these substances as food.