This care is very appealing to cacti - Tips & Tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
This care is very appealing to cacti - Tips & Tricks - Garden
This care is very appealing to cacti - Tips & Tricks - Garden


Most cacti have similar care requirements

This care is very appealing to cacti - Tips & Tricks

Cacti are regarded as a source of frugality and ideal indoor plants for the beginner. So that the thorny flower beauties from distant lands feel at home on the windowsill, it depends on a kind-fair care. How to properly care for the succulents is conveyed by the following answers to important questions.

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Pour cacti properly - how does that work?

As succulents, cacti immediately pick up any drop of water that they can get hold of and deposit in the trunk or the leaves. By pouring the plants rarely but penetratingly, you skillfully tune the water supply to this particular feature. How to do it right:

In winter, pour your cacti only sip-wise so that the root ball does not completely dry out. This near-dry resting phase makes an important contribution to the formation of buds for the next flower festival.

Do cactuses have to be fertilized?

The modest claims of cacti do not mean that the plants can completely do without supplemental nutrients. From May to September, please add a liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water. A normal fertilizer for indoor plants is unsuitable for this purpose because it contains too much nitrogen. Therefore, use special cactus or succulent fertilizer, which is adjusted in its composition to the special needs.

May I cut my cactus?

If a cactus is removed from the mold, becomes too large or has diseased, rotten branches, correct the problem with a pruning. The best time for a cut is between March and May. For soft plant parts, ideally use a disinfected scalpel. A thick or woody epidermis is severed with a sharp saw blade. Please do not forget to put on sturdy gloves to protect against thorns.

An oblique cut ensures that no water accumulates on the cut wound. Dust the open interface thinly with charcoal powder, so it does not bleed too much and quickly heals. In order for the cactus to drive out again, please only cut so deeply that at least 2 sleeping eyes remain on the shoot. Austriebsfähige buds are usually there, where still sprout thorns or leaves.

How do cactuses overwinter undamaged?

From October to February, cacti are slowing to rest until next spring. For most cactus species, there are two options for hibernation that require appropriate care:

Most of the cacti grow their buds during the winter growth rest. Therefore, we recommend the light to partially shaded and cool variety, which proves to be beneficial for a lavish blooms. From April / May, the cacti are awakened from hibernation by getting used to the sun's rays for a fortnight in the half-shady location and pouring a little more. Following the acclimatization, the normal summer care program begins in the sunny spot.

Which diseases threaten a cactus?

Despite their robust constitution, cacti are not completely immune to disease. Fungal infections such as Fusarium wilt, Phytophthora or Botrytis are at the top of the infamous list of common cactus diseases. Infested plants have softened, discolored shoots, stems or roots and are usually beyond saving.

In the early infestation stage cut off the infected shoots, leaves or roots and dispose of them in the household waste. Immediately transplant the cactus into fresh, disinfected substrate and treat it with a fungicide. Avoid humid and warm cultivation in humus potting soil because most diseases are the result.

Which pests can infest cacti?

Some pests can not be stopped by the thorn dress of cacti to fall on the plants. Here are the most common parasites with tips for combating them:

If you have discovered the infamous pests, immediately quarantine the affected cactus. Thanks to this precaution, they effectively prevent spread to neighboring cacti and other indoor plants.


On average, cacti have completely rooted their pot every 2 to 3 years and are repotted. The best time for this care measure is at the end of hibernation. The diameter of the new planter corresponds to about one third of the current plant height. So that the fresh cactus soil has no pathogens in the luggage, it is sterilized in the oven at 150 degrees.