Planting cacti expertly - that's how it works

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 11 May 2024
Planting cacti expertly - that's how it works - Garden
Planting cacti expertly - that's how it works - Garden


Cacti also need enough space in the pot

Planting cacti expertly - that's how it works

Cacti are indestructible, forgive so many care mistakes and enchant us with a beautiful flowering. Professional planting plays a central role in ensuring that the spiky survivors feel well away from home. Here you will receive compact, practice-oriented answers to important questions.

At which location do you want cacti?

The vast majority of popular cacti are native to the sunlit, hot steppes and dry deserts of South and Central America. Therefore, select the location according to the following criteria:

Only leaf cacti, such as the Christmas cactus, are satisfied with a partially shaded location.

Which substrate is best?

Please use only special cactus or succulent substrate from specialist retailers. If you would like to mix the soil yourself, we recommend a mix of 40 to 60 percent humus and 40 to 60 percent mineral components, such as pumice, lava or expanded clay. Commercially available potting soil is completely unsuitable for cacti.

What is a plantation to pay attention to?

Cacti from the garden center or supermarket are rarely in the right substrate and suitable pot. By planting the plants professionally right after the purchase, you welcome your new roommates. How to do it right:

Plant the cactus as deep as it was in its previous pot. After 8 to 10 days of regeneration, water the plant with lime-free water. If the cactus is budding and in bloom, please wait with the watering. Only when the buds are about to unfold is poured.

How does the propagation of cacti succeed?

There are several options to grow cactuses:

If you already have a wealth of experience in horticulture and a long patience, sowing seeds as a further possibility for offspring is open to you.

Repotting cacti - When is the best time?

Since cacti grow slowly, the change to fresh soil and a larger pot is only every 2 to 5 years on the program. The best time is between March and May, when the plants have finished their hibernation. At this time, the substrate is still dry, so the work is easy by the hand.


A variety of magnificent cactus species, such as Opuntia or Echinocereus, are hardy and can be planted in the bed. In the sunny, rain-protected location, the succulents feel in good hands. Plant the boiled exotics in spring into a meager, coarse-grained, sandy-dry soil dominated by mineral components.