Variety of kaki trees

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Five Varieties of Persimmons aka Kaki Fruit
Video: Five Varieties of Persimmons aka Kaki Fruit


Variety of kaki trees

The variety of the Kakipflanzen is very large. For the cultivation in the own garden the frost resistance, the growth and the foliage coloring are of importance. The yields only play a role in warmer areas, where the harvest can be expected.

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The kaki tree (Latin Diospyros kaki) is an ebony plant. It is a monoecious tree with oblong oval leaves and yellowish to white, unisexual flowers. The fruits are round, oval or flattened. Sometimes they look like apples, sometimes they are more like a tomato. They are very juicy and sweet, contain a lot of vitamin A and have a high nutritional value, like the grapes.

fruit varieties

On the shelves of the fruit merchants you will find different names for the bright orange fruit: Sharon, persimmon or persimmon. The fruits differ in form, consistency and taste, as well as their origin. While Asian-derived kaki fruit has jelly-like pulp and is edible only when ripe, Sharon's Israeli strain has virtually no tannins and can be eaten when the pulp is still hard. Both the Sharon and Persimon fruits can be stored for a long time and do not cause a furry feeling on the tongue.

plant varieties

Other members of the genus ebony trees are Diospyros lotus and Diospyros virginiana. These are used in particular as documents in the finishing. The corresponding varieties are well suited to the climatic conditions outside the vineyards, because they are almost completely hardy and weak.

The varieties often offered in the plant trade are:

Tips & Tricks

The wood of the Diospyros kaki is black in the basic tone and brightly patterned. It is therefore used in high-quality furniture construction.

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