How to repot your coffee plant - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Transplanting and Caring for a Coffee Plant (Coffea arabica)
Video: Transplanting and Caring for a Coffee Plant (Coffea arabica)


The coffee plant needs just like any other plant enough space to grow

How to repot your coffee plant - tips and tricks

Coffea arabica, the coffee plant is quite easy to maintain. Regular watering and fertilising is enough, as long as your coffee plant feels comfortable in its location. Frequent repotting is not necessary with this plant.

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How often should I repot my coffee plant?

If you have your own coffee plants pulled from seeds, then put young plants individually in pots as soon as they are about ten inches tall. When sowing seeds, always put only one seed in the pot and you will save yourself repotting.

During growth, you should put your coffee plant into a larger container every two to three years. Old plants, which are hardly increasing in size, do not have to be repotted in principle. Here it is enough if you exchange the top layer for fresh earth once a year. So your coffee plant gets fresh nutrients again.

When is the best time to repot my coffee plant?

Ideally, you will be potting your coffee plant in spring, which is best served. If the plant pot is already too small when buying the plant, then put the Coffea arabica immediately in a new and slightly larger pot. This is especially true when the roots are already growing out of the vessel. Incidentally, a freshly transplanted plant does not need fertilizer for several months.

If repotting is necessary because of too wet soil, for example because your coffee plant already gets brown leaves, then of course you should not wait until spring, but react immediately. When repotting remove any rotten root parts and put the plant in fresh soil and pour only sparingly for the time being.

The essentials in brief:


Annual repotting is not necessary with the coffee plant, about every two to three years is completely sufficient, if the plant is healthy.