So hibernate your coffee plant - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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A coffee plant needs it bright and warm even in winter

So hibernate your coffee plant - tips and tricks

Although the coffee plant is easy to maintain, unfortunately not hardy. However, at the right location and with the right care, it will come through the winter well. You should, however, bring the plant early to their winter quarters.

Previous article How to repot your coffee plant tips and tricks

What does a suitable winter quarter look like for the coffee plant?

Even in winter, the coffee plant needs heat and light, so in winter quarters temperatures between 15 ° C and 22 ° C prevail and it should be as bright as possible. Restrain watering and do not fertilize the plant until spring. The humidity should not be too low, occasional spraying with lime-free water can be helpful here.

The most important winter tips:


As soon as the temperatures drop below 15 ° C at night, bring your coffee plant to your winter quarters.