Virgin in the countryside - location, sowing, care

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Geb/ Roundtable Discussion/ Father Earth/ Umhlaba
Video: Geb/ Roundtable Discussion/ Father Earth/ Umhlaba


From August, the seeds of the virgin can be harvested in the open for sowing

Virgin in the countryside - location, sowing, care

With its dill very similar, fine-grained leaves and the conspicuous, mostly blue flower the filigree appearing virgin in the green (Nigella damascena) is a real feast for the eyes in every Sommerblumenrabatte. In fact, the delicate beauty - which in some regions is also called "Gretchen im Busch" or "Damaszener Kümmel" - has been cultivated in German cottage gardens for many centuries. Once seeded, the maiden in the countryside multiplies by itself, by constantly sowing itself.

The ideal location for the maid in the countryside

The undemanding maiden in the green thrives on almost all garden floors, provided it is as sunny as possible. The sunnier and drier the location is, the more beautiful and lush the flower will eventually turn out. Optimal is a humus, moderately nutrient-rich and rather dry soil, also the plant prefers warm summers. In rather humid and cool early summer, it can happen that the buds wither and the maiden does not bloom in the countryside.

Sowing virgin in the open air outdoors

The sowing of the virgin in the green is basically quite simple:

Sow in the fall

In addition, sowing is already possible in September, whereby these specimens will bloom very early. Make sure you have a longer flowering period in the spring with a follow-up seed. If self-sowing is not desired, the seed capsules should be removed in good time.

Maid in the open does not need much care

Otherwise, the virgin needs no further care in the open, except for additional watering during prolonged periods of drought. Fertilization or pruning is usually not necessary either. The first flowers show up already eight to ten weeks after sowing.


The dried seeds of the virgin in the green are wonderful for dry bouquets, for example in combination with wildflowers and grasses.