Judasbaum thrilled with early flowering time

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Redbud - Eastern Redbud - Cercis canadensis - How to grow Redbud
Video: Redbud - Eastern Redbud - Cercis canadensis - How to grow Redbud


The Judas tree often blooms in March

Judasbaum thrilled with early flowering time

The Judas tree (Cercis), originally from the warm Mediterranean fauna - also known as the heart tree due to the characteristic shape of its leaves - is a deciduous shrub or tree that can become quite expansive and tall with age. Together with the magnolia, the wood is one of the most beautiful spring flowers in domestic gardens.

Judas tree flowers between March and May

The mostly pink, but also red or white, not dissimilar orchids show up in a magnificent sea of ​​flowers between the months of March and May. Here, the flowering tree first shows its flowers, only then develops the round, rich green foliage. Incidentally, the tree not only blooms on young wood, but also from older branches and even directly from the trunk.


The delicate flowers of the heart tree, in contrast to other ingredients, even edible and are wonderful for decorating salads or desserts.