St. John's wort leaves: distinctive and curative

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
St. John's wort leaves: distinctive and curative - Garden
St. John's wort leaves: distinctive and curative - Garden


The leaves of St. John's wort also have a healing effect

St. John's wort leaves: distinctive and curative

With its golden yellow flowers it shines clearly from a distance. But the leaves are interesting. Once you have a look, you can easily recognize St. John's wort!

External features of the leaves

The St. John's wort can be easily recognized by the leaves. The individual leaves arrange themselves in a relative arrangement around the stem or the stems. They are rather small with a size between 1 and 3 (rarely up to 4 cm).

The sheets are constructed or designed as follows:

Closer Look - points become visible

At first glance, the leaves look inconspicuous ... But on closer inspection, something is noticeable: The leaves have black dots on the one hand and translucent dots on the other. This is especially noticeable when you pick a leaf and hold it against the sunlight.

The points on the track

The translucent dots that appear on the leaf blade are gaps in the tissue of the leaves. They arise due to the black dots. But what are the black dots? The black dots are mainly distributed on the edge of the leaves. These are oil glands and oil tanks. In them are the essential oils of St. John's wort.

Harvest the leaves - when and how?

Not only the flowers of St. John's wort are collected for medicinal purposes. You can also harvest the leaves! The best time is before and during flowering. It is best to pick the whole stems and dry them in a dark place.

Usage ideas for the leaves

You can do a lot with the leaves. They can be used, for example, to make tinctures, oils and tea. For the tincture you need 45% alcohol. For an oil, a neutral-tasting oil such as rapeseed oil or sunflower oil should be used as a base.


You can even taste leaves of it directly from the plant. However, they are very bitter and therefore rather unappealing to the majority of people.