So multiply jasmine!

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
37. Use of this keyword in Jasmine Testing. How to use the "this" in specs - Jasmine Testing
Video: 37. Use of this keyword in Jasmine Testing. How to use the "this" in specs - Jasmine Testing


The easiest way to increase jasmine over cuttings

So multiply jasmine!

Can not get enough of wonderfully fragrant jasmine? You would like to pull a summer hedge out of the climbing plant? Increase your jasmine simply. This is not difficult and works even with beginners almost always without problems.

Multiply jasmine over cuttings

As cuttings are suitable head drives, which are half timbered, so not very soft, but also not completely hard. Cut more sticks from spring to summer than you would like to make offshoots. Some cuttings do not root, but go in.

Cut the cuttings clean and halve large leaves so that the future plants have more power for the formation of roots. The lower leaves must be completely removed as they would rot in the soil.

Maintain cuttings until transplanting

The cuttings need a warm, bright environment. They must not be too damp, but in no case dry out.

It is therefore advisable to put a transparent plastic hood over the culture pots. It prevents the soil from drying out and keeps the humidity constant.

If possible, ventilate the plastic hood once a day so that the cutting does not rot or mold.

Is Jasmin also able to sow?

Basically, you can also pull jasmine from seeds. However, this form of propagation is not as easy as winning new offshoots from cuttings. Above all, the seed that forms in the initially red and later black berries, not always germinable.

To grow jasmine from seeds, sow the best-bought seeds in seed pots. Ensure constant moisture - not wet! - and set the pots in a warm, bright place.

The germination time is very different and not every seed germinates at all. However, when new plants have emerged, they are kept like cuttings until they are big enough to be transplanted into their own pots.


A hardy scented jasmine in the garden, you can also easily propagate by cuttings themselves. Here, however, also offers an increase over lowering.