The right location for anemones

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
ANEMONES IN THE REEF TANK | Selecting, Keeping, Care, and Hosting
Video: ANEMONES IN THE REEF TANK | Selecting, Keeping, Care, and Hosting


The right location for anemones

Anemones are available as spring blooms and as an autumn anemone. Depending on the type, make sure you have a good location. Only then will the pretty flowers thrive and reward your effort with many flowers and a long flowering time.

Find the right location for anemones

The sunnier and brighter the location, the more beautiful anemones bloom. In semi-shade under translucent woody plants, fewer flowers develop.

Never plant anemones under conifers, as the soil is too acidic here. Create a place where the plants are not too humid. Waterlogging does not tolerate anemones at all.

Tips & Tricks

Anemones that bloom in spring are the perfect complement to the spring bed. Together with tulips, forget-me-nots and daffodils they provide color after the dreary winter months.