Successfully combat ragwort

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


In mechanical control, the ragwort and root must be removed

Successfully combat ragwort

Since it is highly toxic to horses and cattle, and poisoning is still untreatable, it is important to control the herb on pastureland. There are three suitable measures to tackle the herb in a targeted manner, thus successfully preventing its further spread.

Earlier article poisoning in humans and animals by the Jakobskreuzkraut

Biological control

Since the ragwort supplies more than 120 insects and bees with food, you should preferentially combat the poisonous plant with biological or mechanical measures. Among the natural enemies of the Jakobsgreiskrauts include rabbits, which like to eat the roots of the herb. Unfortunately, the number of wild rabbits has fallen sharply in recent years. Certainly, it is also due to the fact that the Jacobs herb could multiply so extremely.

The biological control agents include

The caterpillar of the St. Jacob's weed cat specializes exclusively in the leaves and young stems of the plant. The caterpillars can damage them so much that they enter.

Since it is relatively difficult to use the beneficials targeted, biological control measures are currently not very promising.

Mechanical combat

Wherever the ragwort is spreading in small quantities, you can combat the plant successfully and environmentally friendly with mechanical measures.

The St. Jacobs herb forms a deep-reaching taproot with numerous fine lateral roots. If the root is not completely removed, a new plant can develop from the root remnant. That is why it is important to dig up the ragwort with the whole root. Although the toxins do not penetrate the skin through the skin, it is recommended to wear gloves during this work.

The excavation of the root goes well after a heavy rain shower from the hand. Pierce the root deeply with the grave fork and dispose of it with the household waste. Ragwort may also be disposed of in organic waste. As the Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine Westphalia and the "working group ragweed e.V." have established, no toxic alkaloids are more detectable after composting.

Mowing is not suitable for fighting

The more you mow the ragwort, the more stubborn it stays. It drives new stems within a short time, flowers quickly and produces countless seeds.

Chemical control

With heavy infestation of grazing land, it is often necessary to combat the ragwort with chemical agents. Before treatment with Simplex spray, the rosettes should have reached a height of about 15 centimeters.

In order to work well, the funds must be applied when the ragwort is growing strongly. Damp and not too hot weather is ideal for fighting. The plants destroyed by the herbicide must then be completely removed and destroyed.

Attention: When using Simplex spraying special instructions are to be observed. The application is also incumbent under the sprayer regulation exclusively a trained group of people.


The excavated ragwort is able to continue to produce seeds. Therefore, keep the plants in tightly closed bags until they are destroyed or composted.