Grow ginger in your own garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Ginger in Containers And Get a Huge Harvest
Video: How to Grow Ginger in Containers And Get a Huge Harvest


Grow ginger in your own garden

The commercially available ginger for use as tea or spice comes according to the plant needs mostly from tropical climes. An cultivation of ginger is, however, easily possible in a sunny location here in Germany.

Select fresh tubers for cultivation

For the cultivation of ginger, basically only a few root tubers are needed, which can now be found in many food markets in the vegetable department. When shopping, look for fresh and juicy tubers as they are better for growing ginger than dry and woody tubers. Sometimes slight growth of buds can be detected in brightly-grown tubers, which indicate a rapid budding of the tuber.

The right location ensures the growth success

Ginger comes from tropical latitudes and can be grown in this country only as a seasonal container plant or on the windowsill itself. Since he tolerates waterlogging only bad, an extension in a bucket should be given preference over the garden floor. As a container plant, ginger is easier to maintain, also it can easily be moved to the sunniest location in the garden.

Season and culture duration of the ginger

Ginger can be exposed in the garden around March in frost-free temperatures. After a cultivation period of about 250 days, the ginger rolls in October and November are large and aromatic enough for the harvest. However, the green leaves of the ginger can serve as part of tasty summer salads. However, you should be careful not to cut too many green leaves during the growing season of the ginger in terms of growth performance and the desired yield of ginger tubers.

The use of ginger as food

The sharp ginger root is said to have many beneficial effects of a health nature. For example, some ginger can be grated from the fresh tubers into a cup or pot and a wholesome tea made from it for colds and sore throats. Similarly, the grated tuber can also be mixed with pasta or rice, if you want to give delicious food an exotic and Asian flavor.

Drying and storage of ginger

If ginger rolls are kept at room temperature for longer than a few weeks, they can either dry out or even expel. Both are not necessarily desirable after harvest in the fall unless you want to cultivate sprouting bulbs as indoor plants on a sunny window. Ginger can of course also be frozen in portioned quantities, but the aroma stays better when drying thinly sliced ​​ginger slices.

Dry the ginger in the oven and create a supply

Cut the excess ginger rolls into thin slices and dry them in the oven at a maximum of 50 degrees Celsius until no more liquid escapes when pressure is applied to the slices. Subsequently, the ginger slices can either be stored dry until use, or crushed with a spice mill to practical granules.

Tips & Tricks

The variety "Curcuma" is also one of the ginger plants, but it is known to us in a different form than the characteristic ginger rolls. So this plant species provides the raw material for many curry spice mixtures from India.