Cut evergreen magnolia as little as possible

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Prune Evergreen Magnolia Trees & Shrubs - Seattle Arborist Chip Kennaugh
Video: How to Prune Evergreen Magnolia Trees & Shrubs - Seattle Arborist Chip Kennaugh


The evergreen magnolia should not be cut too often

Cut evergreen magnolia as little as possible

The evergreen magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is up to 25 meters high and more a very impressive tree, which also tends to a fairly sweeping, wide growth. The plant is particularly impressive at flowering time when its up to 45 centimeters wide, pure white flowers provide a fragrant sea of ​​flowers. Like all magnolias, the evergreen magnolia should have little acquaintance with pruning shears.

Evergreen Magnolia - Location, Care, Hibernation, Propagation

Evergreen magnolia grows very slowly

This is partly because the evergreen magnolia grows only very slowly - in good conditions, the tree creates about 30 centimeters per year, but usually the increase is much lower. In addition, this Magnolia species branches very little, which is why a cut very quickly holes, which will never close again. The propensity of evergreen magnolia to grow strongly in height as well as in width should be taken into consideration at planting - the tree needs a lot of space around it and does not tolerate any competing plantings.

Careful pruning only every three to five years

Due to the tendency of the magnolia not to expel again from cut-back parts or to develop unsightly spider veins, a pruning should in fact only take place if it is unavoidable. Reasons for this can be

If you want to achieve a certain growth habit, you can perform a careful and carefully planned pruning approximately every three to five years. However, storm damage and damage caused by illnesses should be eliminated immediately.

The right time for a care cut

The right time for a caring pruning is clearly the time after flowering. Never cut before flowering (in early spring, as sometimes recommended), otherwise you will remove the flower buds and the flower will fail.

Cut evergreen magnolia

Since magnolias - and of course the evergreen magnolia - are very quickly involved in fungal infections, you should always work with freshly sharpened and sterile tools. When cutting, proceed as follows:


If possible, seal the cut surfaces with a fungicidal (mushroom-destroying) tree wax, then these pathogens have no chance!