The recommended planting distance for groundcover periwinkle

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Fast Growing Ground Cover Plants for Shade 👌✅ Shade Ground Cover
Video: 10 Fast Growing Ground Cover Plants for Shade 👌✅ Shade Ground Cover


The ideal planting distance depends on various factors

The recommended planting distance for groundcover periwinkle

The evergreen species Vinca major and Vinca major differ not only in factors such as the height of growth and the size of the leaves, but also in terms of their respective frost resistance. Similarly, in the case of approximately equally sized young plants, the recommendations regarding the planting distance are similar.

Use Vinca major as ground cover

The Great Periwinkle can also be used as a ground cover in climatically mild locations. Keep in mind, however, that this species grows much higher and may be a bit rocky. Depending on budget, plant size and time horizon for creating a closed plant cover, between 5 and 12 plants per m2 can be planted.

The correct planting distance for a plant carpet from Vinca minor

The following factors also determine the exact number of pieces per m2 for the small periwinkle Vinca minor:

Basically, a green carpet of periwinkle can be completely closed faster if more plants per m2 are planted. Between 5 to 8 and 8 to 12 young plants per m2 there is room for personal decisions. In general, the plants should be planted in the soil with a relatively uniform planting distance of about 25 to 30 cm.


If you keep the gaps free of weeds, you can plant the evergreen less dense and later cultivate offshoot or wait for the natural spread of the plants.