Ilex crenata Dark Green needs little care

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How do I maintain an Ilex crenata?
Video: How do I maintain an Ilex crenata?


The Japanese Holly Dark Green is very easy to care for

Ilex crenata Dark Green needs little care

Ilex crenata is separate. This means that the shrubs are either male or female. Female holly trees form the poisonous fruits. Therefore it is advisable for families with children to grow the all-male variety Ilex crenata Dark Green, which bears no berries. The care is similar to that of other Ilex species.

How to pour Ilex crenata Dark Green correctly?

Regular watering, preferably with rainwater, is advisable. Waterlogging is essential to avoid.The root system must not dry out completely.

Do you need to fertilize the Japanese holly?

If you really want to fertilize, give the Ilex crenata Dark Green mature compost or horn shavings as a fertilizer in the spring. But that is usually not necessary.

Avoid over-fertilization and fertilize only until the end of July. Convenient is a mulch cover, which you lay out in the spring under the holly.

Is cutting necessary and possible?

All holly species are well cut tolerant. Cutting is not necessary, but the plant can easily be cut into shape. Best time to cut is the early summer.

When does it have to be repotted or transplanted?

You do not have to repot until the Ilex crenata Dark Green does not fit in the pot anymore. In the field you should not transplant the Japanese holly if possible.

Which diseases and pests should be considered?

In too moist layers it can come to fungal attack of the roots. This is a foul smell.

If the summer is very dry, the Ilex crenata Dark Green occasionally struggles with spider mites. Prevent it by misting the leaves more frequently.

How hardy is Ilex crenata Dark Green?

Like all Japanese hollyhocks Dark Green is conditionally hardy. The older the plant, the better it will survive cold winters.

Young plants in the field should protect you from frost with a mulch cover and some fleece.

Do not forget to water the shrubs in very dry winters.


The heyday of Ilex crenata Dark Green lasts from May to June. The flowers are rather inconspicuous.