Prefer hyacinths in glass - ornamental plant breeding

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Easy way to grow Hyacinths in water, Hyacinth care and after flowering.
Video: Easy way to grow Hyacinths in water, Hyacinth care and after flowering.


A hyacinth with roots in the glass is a great decoration element

Prefer hyacinths in glass - ornamental plant breeding

Hyacinths are not only very colorful and fragrant spring flowers. Also, the opportunity to cultivate the flower in hyacinth glass, is an interesting task for hobby gardeners. Even our grandmothers pulled the plants in the glass.

Previous article With proper care, the hyacinth blooms for many years Next article The hyacinth has faded - what now?

How should hyacinth glasses be made?

The hyacinth glass has a special shape. It consists of a bulbous lower part and a likewise curved upper shell, into which the tuber of a hyacinth fits exactly.

The lower part is filled with water. The onion gets moisture without it coming into direct contact with the surface of the water. In the glass, the hyacinth needs no soil. It is thus almost a form of hydroponic culture.

Hyacinth glasses are available from specialist retailers. But also in the online trade you will find numerous offers for decorative models, which are suitable for the maintenance of the hyacinth in the glass.

So pull hyacinths in the jar

The glass is well rinsed and cleaned to prevent bacteria from sticking to it. Also detergent residues must be removed.

Fill the glass with fresh water. Place the tuber of the hyacinth with the tip up in the upper shell. There should be little space between the root and the water level. In no case may the onion have direct water contact. You will need to refill fresh water daily.

The hyacinth glass is placed in a cool, dark place until flowering. A temperature of about ten degrees is ideal.

Cover the tuber with a paper cap

If you do not have the space to make the glass dark enough, use a paper cone shaped cone.

You can make it from cardboard or some other opaque cloth.

By dimming you create the same conditions as the tubers have in the earth. Only when it is dark, the roots form.

After two to three months on the windowsill

It takes two to three months for the hyacinth to turn leaves and eventually flower stalks.

Wait for the paper hat to lift over the hyacinth glass by itself. Then leaves and flower stems have developed well.

Now you can remove the blackout or get the glass out of the darkness and put it on the bright and warm windowsill.

Hyacinths can be pulled in the glass only one year old

Unfortunately, hyacinths in the glass last only one season. After flowering, the tuber is exhausted and must be thrown away.

Although they can try to plant them in the garden, this effort is usually unsuccessful.

Tips & Tricks

Hyacinth glasses are particularly decorative if you design the glass with small decoration stones in the color of the hyacinth blossom. The spreading roots give an interesting appearance.