Worth knowing about the hyacinth (Hyacinthus)

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Hyacinths | Everything You Need to Know! | Guide to Growing Indoor Hyacinth Bulbs!
Video: How to Grow Hyacinths | Everything You Need to Know! | Guide to Growing Indoor Hyacinth Bulbs!


The hyacinth can live up to 15 years

Worth knowing about the hyacinth (Hyacinthus)

Hyacinths were among the best known and most popular spring bloomers in the house and garden. The perennial plants need little care and are absolutely hardy. Worth knowing about the colorful onion plant with its incomparable smell of spring.

Worth knowing about the hyacinth

Cultivate hyacinth in the garden or in the house

In the garden, the hyacinth thrives without much care for several years. In a favorable location, it forms bulbs and provides flowers in the spring.

Winterizing hyacinths in the house is not easy. The flower is therefore usually held only one season and then disposed of. An alternative is to plant them outdoors after flowering.

If the hyacinth in the house to be brought over the winter, the onion needs a cold phase, otherwise it does not bloom.

Hyacinths as a cut flower

The hyacinth is also very popular as a cut flower for spring flowers. It is cut when the lower flowers have risen, the upper ones are still closed.

Before they are placed in the vase, the stems with the knife must be cut straight straight. To keep the hyacinth longer as a cut flower, the vase should be kept cool.

In the vase hyacinths make themselves very nice with other spring bloomers like crocuses and daffodils.

Flourish hyacinths in the glass

Hyacinths can be very decorative propelled in the house in special hyacinth glasses. After flowering, they can be planted in the garden.

Tips & Tricks

Perl hyacinths or grape hyacinths (Muscari) are also popular spring flowers from the asparagus family. The very small plants are distantly related to the actual hyacinth.