Hussar buttons are not hardy

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why Men Want Beards | Hussar Talk #2
Video: Why Men Want Beards | Hussar Talk #2


Hussar buttons do not tolerate frost

Hussar buttons are not hardy

Hussar buttons have only been used in Europe for about 200 years. Because they are very small, they are also referred to as miniature sunflower. Like the big sunflower, the hussar's head or hussar's head is not hardy and needs to be sown every year.

Husarenknöpfchen need little care Next article To multiply Hussar buttons

Hussar heads are drawn once a year

The Hussar button is a non-toxic annual that is not hardy at all. At the first frost she freezes and dies.

Even if you would bring the Husarenknöpfchen before the frost in the house to hibernate there, a multi-year attitude is not possible.

With the semen maturity in autumn, the hussar button is used up.

Frost does not tolerate the hussar button

The Husarenknöpfchen does not tolerate frost at all. That's why you should not put the bowls or window boxes in the open until spring, when guaranteed no more frost is expected.

Wait with the move to the balcony or the terrace to the icy saints. Then the probability of reoccurring night frosts is very low. Alternatively, you can put the planters with the Husarenknöpfchen also on the balcony during the day and bring in the house at night.

If the Husarenknöpfchen grow in the rock garden or flowerbed, do not plant them before the end of May. Only if you live in a region with very mild temperatures, you may think more of planting.

Sow instead of hibernate

If you want to decorate your balcony and patio each year with the grateful summer bloomers, you will have to buy new plants from the dealer in the spring.

You can also multiply hussarballs by collecting seeds from the withered flowers in the fall. Seed is available commercially for sowing in spring.

Hussar button multiply itself

The sowing of Husarenkopf can be done from February. You need a warm place in a bright place, such as a window.


Hussar heads are at home in Central America. They grow there at heights of 1,000 meters. Since they spread strongly in the corn fields, they are considered in their home as weeds, which must be combated.