Plant hydrangea "Endless Summer" plant best in the light shade

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Plant hydrangea "Endless Summer" plant best in the light shade - Garden
Plant hydrangea "Endless Summer" plant best in the light shade - Garden


The Hydrangea Endless Summer likes it partially shaded, but also tolerates sun

Plant hydrangea "Endless Summer" plant best in the light shade

The new Breeding "Endless Summer" is a real peculiarity among the farm hydrangeas. So far, these hydrangeas bloomed only on the old wood, but "Endless Summer" forms about every six weeks on the fresh shoots new flower buds. However, in order for you to be able to enjoy the plant, which is very willing to flower, for a long time, it needs the right location.

Next article Farmer's Hydrangea "Endless Summer" - no pruning in spring

Endless Summer thrives in a bright and sheltered location

The "Endless Summer" farm hydrangea, with lush flowers in it, depending on the pH value of the soil, thrives best in a sheltered area with loose and nutrient-rich soil. This should be slightly acidic to maximum neutral, with the blue flowers show only in acid soil. In a location with direct sunshine and drought, you must pay attention to an extensive irrigation, otherwise this strain tolerates the sun very well. However, she feels well in the semi-shade, for example, under tall trees and with protection from the scorching midday sun. The farm hydrangea "Endless Summer" can be cultivated as a solitary, in groups, in a bed or as a container plant.

Tips & Tricks

Do not cut Endless Summer back in the spring, just remove the bloom.