Hydrangea vigorously fertilize "Annabelle"

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Hydrangea vigorously fertilize "Annabelle" - Garden
Hydrangea vigorously fertilize "Annabelle" - Garden


The hungry snowball hydrangea should regularly get hydrangea liquid fertilizer

Hydrangea vigorously fertilize "Annabelle"

"Annabelle" is a very tall and bushy vigorous snowball hydrangea with huge, striking creamy white flowers. Like all hydrangeas, this hydrangea has a high water and nutrient requirement.

Early Snowball Hydrangea "Annabelle": Easily multiply by division or cuttings

Pay attention to balanced fertilization

Like all flowering plants, hydrangeas such as "Annabelle" only display their magnificent flowers when the fertilizer is well-balanced and sufficient. The emphasis is above all on the word "balanced", because both too little and too much fertilizer harms the plants in the long run. An insufficient supply of nutrients indicates the plant by a chlorosis, in which the leaves turn yellow, the leaf veins, however, remain green.

Compost or cattle dung at the beginning of the growing season

At the beginning of the growing season, you can incorporate mature mixed compost into the soil of the site. This not only has the advantage that the plant gets a start in the spring for the training of new shoots, the soil also receives a relaxation. By the way, compost that has been mixed with coffee grounds is particularly suitable. Also cattle manure is very well adapted to the special needs of the hydrangea "Annabelle". Only horse or poultry manure is not suitable due to the high nitrogen content.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural fertilization

Basically fertilization with compost or manure is to be welcomed, because in this way garden waste can be wonderfully returned to the natural cycle. However, these fertilizers have the disadvantage that their nutrient composition varies widely and therefore is not always appropriate. Deficiency symptoms must therefore always be eliminated with specially adapted mineral fertilizers.

Regular nutrient supply with hydrangea fertilizer

Another advantage of mineral fertilizers is that they are water-soluble and thus immediately available to the plant. Organic fertilizers must first be decomposed by soil organisms and made available in the first place, which can take between three to four weeks. For hydrangeas, a special, commercially available hydrangea fertilizer is best suited, as it is perfectly adapted to the high nutritional requirements of this group of plants. The fertilizer is available in both liquid and granulated form.

Beware of nitrogen and phosphorus

Although nitrogen and phosphorus are indispensable components of any fertilizer, they should not be overused in flowering plants. Above all, nitrogen fuels the growth of hydrangeas, but hinders the shrubs at the same time on the flower.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to know how well your garden soil is supplied with nutrients and what may be missing, you can send soil samples to a soil testing institute. There you will receive an analysis as well as instructions for an individually correct fertilization.