Effectively combat weeds in the flowerbed

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Weeds in Flower Beds (4 Easy Steps)
Video: How to Get Rid of Weeds in Flower Beds (4 Easy Steps)


If you do not want to pluck weeds, you should prevent weed growth

Effectively combat weeds in the flowerbed

Apparently, greylag, dandelion and Co. grow faster than the lovingly planted perennials and quickly overgrow every bed. Some gardeners give free rein to nature and care little for their nature-loving garden. In fact, we do not necessarily have to remove weeds, even though they can quickly become the competition for garden plants. Regular loosening of the soil as well as a few tricks reduce the growth considerably.

Do not let weeds emerge

Undeveloped brownfields, as they are more often found in the garden, are not provided by nature. Free areas are quickly overgrown, often by robust and very persistent pioneer plants. Many typical weeds fall into this category, which shows, among other things, in their perseverance: despite hacking and breaking out they make their way to the surface again and again. The best thing is to prevent them from growing from the beginning. In addition, the bed soil should be practically "occupied", for which the following methods have proven to be especially effective:

On the other hand, you should refrain from using pesticides or herbicides, especially since these are often not permitted in hobby gardens. These remedies fight not only unwanted weeds, but also all other garden plants, have further serious effects on the insect and other wildlife and not least also enter the groundwater.

Loosening soil regularly prevents growth

Instead, you can remove already-grown weeds with some muscle power. Chop the soil thoroughly, as this will destroy the plants and aerate the soil at the same time. However, be careful not to damage the perennials and their roots. Deep-rooted weeds like greed and seagrass are best digged deep, otherwise they keep coming back. Flowering weeds should be removed before sowing, otherwise they will multiply unhindered. By the way, today you do not have to walk around on your knees anymore to weed and suffer back pain: practical, modern garden tools make this job a lot easier. After disposal, cover the bed soil, so that a renewed expulsion is prevented from the outset.


By the way, weeds are not only annoyances, but also valuable pointer plants. If certain species repeatedly appear in the garden, you have an accurate idea of ​​the nature of the soil and can, if necessary, take countermeasures. Wheatgrass, for example, are found on highly compacted soils, and sorrel loves acid soil.