Cutting back hops - How to cut the climbing plant

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pruning Hops: 3 Reasons + How-to Tips
Video: Pruning Hops: 3 Reasons + How-to Tips


In autumn, when the hops turn brown, it's a good time for a pruning

Cutting back hops - How to cut the climbing plant

Hops is a perennial climber that grows tall and develops many shoots. If you want to harvest hops, you need to prune the plant. Otherwise, the fruits remain very small and contain little valuable lupiline. How to cut hops properly.

Cut back hops once a year

Basically, you only have to cut back hops once a year.

However, you do not come around the Auslichten after the Wiederaustrieb. Hop plants form countless sprouts that rob each other light and nutrients.

The best time to cut hops

At the question of the best time to cut back hops, the ghosts are different. Some experts cut hops down in the fall. Others wait until early spring to pruning.

For the pruning in February speaks a lot. Hops infiltrate towards autumn and then turns brown and unsightly. The nutrients contained in the dried plant are absorbed into the roots.

If you find the brown stems too unsightly, cut the hops to 50-60 centimeters in the fall and cut them to the ground in February.

Leave few tendrils on the plant

As soon as the hops drive out in the spring, clear it. Here you cut off all shoots except for four to six hop tendrils. Then the plant can develop properly and form many fruits in autumn.

The cut sprouts are edible and can be processed in the kitchen to delicious dishes. They are prepared exactly like the popular asparagus.

In addition, you can use the sprouts to increase the hop. Put them in prepared pots or directly in the garden floor. Even if you keep them in a glass of water, roots develop, so you can plant out the sprouts later.


If you want to draw an opaque screen from hops, leave all shoots on the plant. It will be nice and tight. In addition, the hops will not grow so fast and remain significantly lower at three to five meters.