Store hops properly - How to make hops stable

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Dry and Store Homegrown Hops
Video: How to Dry and Store Homegrown Hops


Well dried, hops are very long-lasting

Store hops properly - How to make hops stable

If the hop harvest in your own garden has been generous, the question arises as to how the fruits are preserved properly. The best way of storage is to dry. To dry hops and store them for later use.

So you realize that the hops are ripe

From the outside, unfortunately, can not tell if hops is ripe or still needs some time. You have to open a pin and look it up. By this you can see that the hops can be harvested.

To keep hops stable by drying

To brew beer or extract lupulin for healing purposes, you need to preserve hops by drying them. Only then does the aroma develop completely. Also, the umbels can only be stored dried for a long time.

Dry hops - That's how it's done!

Pick the twigs, remove the leaves and tie a posy. This is hung upside down in a dark, warm, dry place. If you just want to dry the umbels, lay them loosely on a sieve or grid and let them air dry.

Also in the convection oven you can dry hops to store it. Preheat the oven to about 80 degrees and let the umbels dry for about two hours.

After drying, the hops are stored in bags in a dry place until processed.

Store hops in the freezer

You can also freeze the dried hop umbels. In the freezer they last several months and can be removed very well in portions.

Use hops as a stylish autumn decoration

The yellow-green cones of the hop are a very decorative autumn decoration. Cut off the whole shoot. Remove all leaves. They dry up very quickly and are then no longer handsome. Put the branches in a glass with water.


Hops are more versatile than you think. The fruits are not just for brewing beer. You can also make tea and various remedies for naturopathy.