Second Year - This work is now in the raised bed

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Dirt CHEAP But PREMIUM Way to Fill LOTS of Raised Garden Beds
Video: Dirt CHEAP But PREMIUM Way to Fill LOTS of Raised Garden Beds


In the second year, high to medium-depleting plants can be grown in the raised bed

Second Year - This work is now in the raised bed

A compost raised bed can be used on average for about seven to ten years, until it has to be completely refilled. In the second year, however, a first replenishment is necessary, as the content of the deposit has already plummeted by up to 30 centimeters due to the planting in the first year and the rotting process.

Fill compost raised bed already in autumn

The best way to start refilling the raised bed is to start harvesting in the first year of autumn: Remove the topmost layer of soil, including all plant remains and rhizomes, and fill the room that has become free with composted, garden and kitchen waste. Sprinkle only one thin layer at a time, covering it with a coarse layer of coarse compost. You can do this throughout the fall time and again until you cover approximately from November / December - ie before the first frost - the raised bed with mulch, spruce and fir branches and / or a garden fleece. This ensures that the bed does not dry out over the winter and its contents can be composted all the better.

Plant the raised bed in the second year

From the beginning to the middle of March of the second year, cover the raised bed again and fill a fresh layer with horny patches of offset potting soil. You can also use fine, mature compost from our own production for this purpose, but should in this case better perform a germ sample. Then you can sow or plant the first, hardy vegetables. Spinach, early radishes or early carrots are suitable for this purpose. Otherwise, the raised bed is also occupied in the second year primarily by high-consuming plants, since the existing nutrient supply is still very high. Especially suitable for this are:

Salads should not be placed in the bed at this time, because they grow well due to the abundance of nutrients, but also accumulate a lot of harmful nitrate in the leaves.These should be planted in the raised bed only from the fourth year.


For pure salad raised beds, you do not have to create a compost raised bed right away. Instead, such a flower box can also be easily filled with commercially available potting soil, which is very well suited for salads.