Freeze raspberries - preserve fruits gently

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Freezing Raspberries and Proper Raspberry Care
Video: Freezing Raspberries and Proper Raspberry Care


Freeze raspberries - preserve fruits gently

If the raspberry harvest has been too abundant, the question arises, where with the fruits. They can not be picked up for a long time. Just freeze raspberries. For at least six months, the fruits in the freezer remain fresh.

What you need for freezing

Freeze only fresh raspberries

Raspberries have to be processed very quickly. Even in the fridge, they only stay for a day.

Pick the raspberries on a dry day. The less moisture there is in the fruits, the shorter it will take them to freeze. Also, they will not be so muddy when thawing.

Prepare raspberries for freezing

If your freezer does not have a blast freeze program, set it to the lowest temperature in advance for a few hours.

Remove all leaves and other plant parts. Sort out raspberries with maggots, fouling or mold. You should not wash even harvested raspberries!

Place the fruits side by side on the baking sheet or plate so that they do not touch. Cover the sheet with plastic wrap or pull a freezer bag over the plate.


Put the prepared raspberries at the bottom of the freezer. There the temperatures are lowest.

Let the fruits freeze for two to three hours.

Fill in freezer bag and close airtight

After pre-frying, remove the tin and carefully place the raspberries in a freezer bag. Avoid too much pressure so that the fruits do not stick together.

Blow the air out of the bag or use a vacuum pump. The less air in the bag, the less vitamins are lost.

Close the bag tightly and place it back in the freezer. Reset the temperature to -18 degrees.

storage time

Frozen raspberries stay in the freezer for at least six months. It is important that they do not thaw in between.

Thawing frozen raspberries

Raspberries need to be thawed very carefully. They quickly become mushy and are then only suitable for cooking.

Remove the desired amount of raspberries from the freezer bag. Put them on a deep plate and cover with aluminum foil or cling film.

Let the raspberries thaw in cool temperatures. Best suited for this is the refrigerator. This will prevent the fruits from getting an unpleasant aftertaste.

Use of thawed raspberries

The thawed raspberries are very suitable for fruit tarts or as an embellishment for cream pies.

Raspberries from the freezer are often used as an ingredient in fruit salads.

Tips & Tricks

Raspberries from the supermarket or from the weekly market should be washed carefully before freezing. Avoid too much water pressure and take a plastic sieve. Then drain the fruits well.