Pour hibiscus

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Organisation florale de l’hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis )..F/Malvacees. S4
Video: Organisation florale de l’hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis )..F/Malvacees. S4


Pour hibiscus

If you want to enjoy the hibiscus and its magnificent flowers for a long time, you must water your plants well. Garden mousse (rosemary) and room hibiscus need a lot of water, but do not like waterlogging. It depends on the right relationship.

Garden Marshmallow

In case of prolonged drought it comes with the garden marshmallow quickly throwing off the flowers, even the unopened. Therefore, the hibiscus should be poured regularly in midsummer, preferably in the morning and with stale rainwater.

Regular watering is also required after replanting or transplanting a hibiscus bush. Nevertheless, the hibiscus is very sensitive to waterlogging. So that the roots of the shrub do not rot, you should let the soil dry again and again between the watering.

Chinese hibiscus

The Chinese hibiscus is usually kept in the room as a potted plant. During the growing season, the hibiscus must be watered regularly. In the rest period, only so much is poured that the bale does not dry out.

To prevent waterlogging, always pour off excess water from the planter or saucer. If the room hibiscus is sufficiently poured, it can handle the proximity to the heating well.