When is planting time for autumn timeless? - Tips on appointment and planting technology

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Cucumber Timelapse - Seed To Fruit
Video: Growing Cucumber Timelapse - Seed To Fruit


The onions of the autumn timeless are set in summer

When is planting time for autumn timeless? - Tips on appointment and planting technology

So that autumn timeless people spread the hoped-for flower abundance in the autumn garden, it depends on the right planting time. Read here when you put the Colchicum autumnale in the ground. Practical tips on planting technology ensure that the flowering time starts on time.

Autumn bloomers want in the summer in the earth

The onion of a fall-time lotus already has the ready-made buds in its luggage. In addition, the special characteristics of the autumn bloomer include the fact that the flowers rise from the tuber, without having to form roots before. Within 6 weeks after planting, the autumnal season is in full bloom. This results in the ideal planting season of the midsummer, during the months of August and September.

So put the onions properly in the ground

In the sunny to partially shaded, warm and sheltered location, autumn timeless feel comfortable. How to plant the bulbs professionally:

A single Herbstzeitlose looks in the bed and lawn very lost. Arrange the flower bulbs in tuffs of 5 to 10 or more. The relatively large planting distance takes into account the expansive leaves that sprout only in the spring. Please consider the high poison content in all planting and care work. All contact with Herbstzeitlosen should only be done with gloves.


With an innovative breeding you avoid the likelihood of confusion of Herbstzeitlosen and Krokussen, at least during the flowering period out of the way. The Colchicum speciosum 'Waterlily' delights with lush, purple-pink flowers - extravagant and unmistakable.