Plant the autumn timeless properly - that's how the autumnal flower festival succeeds

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Plant the autumn timeless properly - that's how the autumnal flower festival succeeds - Garden
Plant the autumn timeless properly - that's how the autumnal flower festival succeeds - Garden


From the setting of onions to flowering, only six weeks pass

Plant the autumn timeless properly - that's how the autumnal flower festival succeeds

Where their extreme toxin content is not a hindrance, the autumnal time lot makes happy colorful splashes of color along woody edges, in meadows or on lawns. In order for the autumnal flower dreams to come true, it depends on the proper planting. This guide explains when and how to use the flower bulbs properly.

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Planting time is in the summer

Between planting and flowering, an autumnal season takes only 6 weeks time. This masterpiece succeeds because the onion comes along with ready-made buds. For a flowering season in the fall, so the planting time extends to the high summer from August.

Instructions for the planting of autumn timeless

In a sunny to partially shaded and warm location, the autumn timeless feels in good hands. She would like to settle here in fresh, moist and nutritious soil, loose, humus and well drained. How to use the flower bulbs correctly:

Since a solitary Herbstzeitlose seems quite lost, we recommend the planting in groups of 5 to 15 bulbs. Please keep the planting distance as far as possible. Colchicum autumnale flower without foliage. The leaves do not sprout until the following spring and reach a length of 40 cm.


With the pretty flowers of Herbstzeitlose draw creative pictures in the garden. To do this, mark the course with strings that are tied to small wooden sticks. It is even easier with sand, which dictates the shape of the plant arrangement in the bed and lawn.