Sun Bride: Completely hardy or worth protecting?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Flavour -  Virtuous Woman (Official Video)
Video: Flavour - Virtuous Woman (Official Video)


Sun Bride is pretty hardy

Sun Bride: Completely hardy or worth protecting?

With her name and her flowers reminiscent of bright sunsets during a sunset, the sun bride seems to need a lot of warmth and light. That's right. But what about when the temperatures drop and with them the light intensity?

Earlier article The sunbeam multiply - explained 3 methods

Hardy in Germany

Although the sun bride with her lovely blooms and her loosely-graceful growth looks tenderly strung. Contrary to its appearance, however, it is not sensitive. It is considered hardy in this country. Without any problems most varieties survive in sheltered locations temperatures down to -26 ° C. In unprotected locations the winter hardiness is -20 ° C.

Protect in extreme situations and at extremely low temperatures

If your sun bride is at an altitude that is snowy in winter and where extreme minus temperatures are the norm, you should protect the plant. As protection are insulating materials that are placed like a mulch layer on the root area of ​​the plant. These include, for example:

Always protect plants in pot culture

Special attention is given to plants that were in the pot in summer, for example, on the balcony or terrace. The winter they should spend unprotected outdoors. Here is either a change of the previous location announced or wrapping the pot with fleece. In addition, the pot should, if it remains outside, be placed on a wooden block.

Avoid waterlogging in the root area

Winter wet is deadly for the sun bride. Therefore, when planting, make sure to ensure good drainage in the soil. In the winter, a lot of water likes to be formed by snowmelt. If it accumulates in the root area, it quickly causes the roots to rot. On the other hand, Helenium should not dry out in winter.

Pre and post work


The winter hardiness of Helenium depends on the variety - for example, the variety 'Dakota Gold' only tolerates temperatures down to -15 ° C.