Flowering time of heather depending on the species

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow Heather Plants : The Correct Way
Video: How To Grow Heather Plants : The Correct Way


Flowering time varies with heather depending on the variety

Flowering time of heather depending on the species

In fact, there is no such thing as "the" heather, because behind this generic term are summarized various heather plants. The species-rich and variety-rich Erika family is as much a part of it as the Calluna vulgaris, also known as the broom heath. The closely related species have quite similar requirements for location and care, but flourish at completely different times.

Late flowering heather plants

Many Erika species bloom only from late winter; such as the snow or winter heather (Erica carnea), which show their white, pink, purple, red or yellow flowers - depending on the variety - between December and April / May. The sometimes very different flowering times can be found in the following table.

Summer flowering heather plants

The summer or broom heath (Calluna vulgaris), which is important as a bee and butterfly pasture, flowers from about August until autumn. Its abundant flowering can be admired every year in the famous Lüneburg Heath.


Blooming inflorescences should always be cut back regularly.