Shrub Veronica "Hebe Green Globe" - Care Tips

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Shrub Veronica "Hebe Green Globe" - Care Tips - Garden
Shrub Veronica "Hebe Green Globe" - Care Tips - Garden


The Hebe Green Globe can be pulled in the garden or in the bucket

Shrub Veronica "Hebe Green Globe" - Care Tips

The shrub veronica variety "Green Globe" is grown as a pure green plant. The flowers are as in Hebe armstrongii very inconspicuous and do not matter. Since the perennial tolerates frost only very bad, it is often maintained in the tub. Tips for taking care of "Hebe Green Globe".

How do you pour Hebe Green Globe right?

The roots of the Hebe Green Globe can not tolerate absolute dryness. Pour so that the root ball never completely dries out. Waterlogged gets this Hebe variety even less. Therefore, only plant them in well-drained soil.

When should be fertilized?

Fertilizing is usually unnecessary in the garden, as the Green Globe is usually grown once a year.

When taking care of the tub, give the perennial liquid fertilizer every fourteen days.

Can Green Globe be cut into shape?

Hebe Green Globe is well cut compatible. It can be cut very well in shape. The spherical shape is preferred, as the variety name Globe already reveals.

It is cut in early spring or autumn.

Can you transplant Hebe Green Globe?

If Hebe Green Globe is pulled in the garden, you can try to replant it in the spring. Dig them generously.

When cultivating the tub, the shrub veronica is only repotted when the roots grow up or down from the tub. The best time to repot is spring.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Like all shrub veronica varieties, Hebe Green Globe is very robust and is rarely attacked by pests and diseases.

In unfavorable locations aphids or spider mites can occur. Root or stem rot caused by excessive air or soil moisture.

If the perennial gets yellow leaves, this is due to lack of light.

How is Hebe Green Globe wintered?

Outdoors, overwinter the shrub veronica with a mulch cover and a cover with fir branches.

In the pot, plant frost-free plant in a bright, cool location.


Hebe Green Globe prefers a sunny to half shady site. Since the plant is not hardy, it survives a winter in the garden only in a very sheltered place. Temperatures below freezing it survives at most a few days.