How big is the hazelnut?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Raintree Nursery’s Hazelnut Growing Guide
Video: Raintree Nursery’s Hazelnut Growing Guide


How big is the hazelnut?

Plant a hazelnut in your own garden? This idea should be well thought out. Already many gardeners have the hazelnut sorrow and worried, as they have not previously sufficiently informed. Due to its size, it takes up a lot of space for itself.

How big is the plant?

The hazelnut can grow as a tree or as a shrub. Pulled to a shrub, it reaches an average height between 2 and 6 m. This is done within a few years - if not cut - as it is fast growing. In width, it assumes a similar extent.

Rarely does the hazelnut crack the 7-meter mark as a shrub. As a tree, this is more feasible for them. As a tree it usually reaches the same size as a shrub. But in ideal locations, it can become much larger. In rare cases, it assumes a stature height of up to 20 m.

What is their size dependent on?

The size of the hazelnut depends on several factors. These include above all the following points:

How big are the hazelnuts?

When asked about the size of hazelnuts, no firm answer can be given. The nut fruits of this plant vary in size depending on the variety and climate. The varieties that are common in this country reach with shell an average size between 1.5 and 2 cm.

Tips & Tricks

Due to the considerable size you should not plant the hazelnut too close to other and weaker plants. Furthermore, you should keep a proper distance to the property boundaries, as the hazelnut has a strong spreading urge ...